June 14, 2012

Lazy With Access to Lasers

I've been far to busy to cut out 21 whoops, make that 42 (I was only counting one half before!) pieces of fabric for a single corset, so I've decided to let the laser do my work for me.  Back next week with more stuff!

(Apologies if the video doesn't work, I'm still messing with it!)


  1. OMG! That would be such a quick and easy way to cut out the corset! Wish I had access to one! o.O

    1. Look around your area for maker/hackerspaces. They're becoming pretty common!

  2. Thanks for that. Have recently found one:D can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Your Costuming is amazing! I still haven't tried making my own corset, I really need to tho. Thank you for sharing all your wonderful sewing.

    1. Why thank you! Good luck on your first corset :)


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