
More stuff coming soon!  Check back later for more corsetry related posts.

1830's corded corset based off research of extant stays/corsets and the late 1820's Corsets & Crinolines pattern (heavily re-worked).  Green/gold two-toned cotton, cotton sateen lining/interlining, gold silk thread, Sugar n' Cream cotton cording.  In progress.

Diagonally Seamed Corset
Diagonally seamed corset custom drafted by me using a two-part tutorial written by Katarina Vukšić on Foundations Revealed.  Corset is made from two different colors of coutil and boned with both spiral steel and spring steel.

Teens Era Corset
Longline teens era corset based on Jo's Post Edwardian Corset pattern for the 1911 corset sew along.  Corset is made with one layer of coutil and boned with both spring and spiral steel.  The attached garters do double duty in holding up stockings and pulling down and smoothing the corset.

Blue Victorian Corset
Midbust corset custom drafted to my measurements and whims.  Corset is made with two layers of high end coutil and boned with both spiral steels and flat spring steels.  All corset panels were laser cut for precision and accuracy.

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