April 20, 2013

Baby Got Back

Add a little junk in your trunk (or a lot!)!  Come make your own adjustable lobster tail bustle with me on May 11th!
Baby got back.  LOTS of back.
Those fabulously over the top bustle era dresses are simply gorgeous, but having the proper support structure underneath is absolutely essential.  If you've been wanting to tackle such a unique undergarment, you're in luck.  The GBACG puts on some fabulous classes and events, and they've asked me to teach their upcoming bustle workshop.  Now you won't have to wrangle that hoop wire into submission alone!

You'll make a fully adjustable lobster tail bustle that's just the right size for you from start to finish.  Along the way I'll show you lots of tips and tricks, plus fun variations to make your bustle unique.  This tail uses spring steel hoop boning and can easily stand up to heavy skirts.  When not being worn, it collapses flat so it doesn't take up space in your closet.  Space in this class is limited, so snap up your seat today!


  1. It looks like fun. Unfortunately, California is a bit too far away for someone living in New Brunswick, so I can't come.

    That's a very pretty bustle. How does one sit down in such a garment?

    1. That's too bad!

      The bustle collapses flat, accordion style, or you can push it to the side if that's your preference. It's quite similar to sitting in a hoop skirt actually :) I tend to grasp it about midway down, lift it a little and sit. Jennifer over at Historical Sewing has a great video of how to sit in a bustle here.

    2. Thank you! That video was extremely helpful. I'm going to have to make a bustle now and try it.

  2. Hey there- I was wondering whether the workshop is using a commercial pattern, a personal pattern, or a set of drafting directions?

    1. Excellent question! The pattern we will be using is one of my own creations. You'll select some pieces based on your measurements, but you can select the main pieces based on whether you want a very large and in charge bustle, one that is more modest, or something in between. Each finished bustle is adjustable as well, so you can control the shape and projection. I'll be showing some more examples of finished bustles in upcoming posts. Hope to see you in class!


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