February 7, 2016

Every Day I'm Bustling

2016 is already shaping up to be FAR more productive than the previous year. If I haven't posted here much yet, it's because I've been busy making SO. MANY. BUSTLES. for a Your Wardrobe Unlocked article.

Now including combination bustle/tea service

If you want to break out of the lobster tail mold, or just see what your other options for increasing the square footage of your rear end are, go have a look! I've constructed 6 unique bustles in order to contrast and compare size, shape and wearability, among other things. Included is this fabulous monstrosity-

Have a gander, and I'll see you here next week for some petticoats to cover up all that glorious badonk-a-donk.


  1. This is SO COOL. My husband disagrees, but he's wrong.

    SO COOL.

  2. Love it! A practical question: how do sit down? Can you?

    1. You sure can! Can't scoot back too far in the bottom one, but you can still sit :)


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