August 23, 2013

A Tale of Brass and Ketchup

I'm not dead yet!  While I've got quite a bit to catch up on, I figured I'd do up a quick and dirty post on one tiny thing I actually accomplished this week.  And since I don't have the time to write a bunch of words, you get a PHOTO STORY!

This machine is in terrible shape.  But look at that cool round access plate in back!

Let's take it off!

Well shit, that looks pretty nasty and beat up.

Hmmm... all I have on hand is some chrome polish; let's see if that does anything.


Hey, this is probably steel plated with brass, yeah?  That's probably rust that got to the steel through the worn off brass, right?  Let's drown it in Evapo-Rust!

Huh, still there.  Soooo, not rust then?

Wait, if a magnet won't stick to it, it must be solid brass!  That's not rust, it's tarnish and verdigris!  We need KETCHUP!

Well that helped somewhat, but looks like there's just too much damage for ketchup to handle on it's own. 

Time to bring out the big guns.   Go, hot vinegar, go!

Excellent; now all we need is a little elbow grease!  HAHA, forget elbow grease, we have a DREMEL and POLISHING TOOLS!

Well wouldja look at that!



  1. Daaaang, you are super crafty. I bow down! I would never have thought of any of these things...

    1. I learned the ketchup trick from a fellow bartender on a slow night. The internet is responsible for the hot vinegar suggestion! :)

  2. Can't wait to try the Heinz on some old belt buckles I've got!
    Nancy N

    1. Seems to clean tarnish of off silver too, though I've only seen it done on a small piece of jewelry.

  3. Dremels are magical tools of goodness. :D

    1. YES they are! I'm barely scratching the surface (och, terrible pun) of what I can do with mine. I've got a huge kit of tips and whatnot; I should put them to use more often!

  4. I need to bookmark this. I have 1 machine currently that needs a bit of cleaning and 1 machine I'm picking up from my grandmother's house next week that I've never see inside the cabinet. This may come in handy! Any other tutorials you have or know of for caring for these old beauties, feel free to pass along :)

  5. I need to bookmark this. I have 1 machine currently that needs a bit of cleaning and 1 machine I'm picking up from my grandmother's house next week that I've never see inside the cabinet. This may come in handy! Any other tutorials you have or know of for caring for these old beauties, feel free to pass along :)


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